Quiz of the Year 2024
Below is the quiz I’ll be running for some friends at this year NYE party. It’s very British and quite nerdy, as I’ve tailored it towards who will be there.
You can find the answers to this quiz here: Quiz of the Year 2024 - answers.
Enjoy, and Happy New Year!
News from 2024
- In January, what scandal caught the publics attention after an ITV drama?
- In February, a Willy Wonka experience opened in Glasgow. It was a disaster but has since been recreated in LA, as well as spawning a musical. How much was a ticket?
- In March this year, which country became the first to make Abortion a Constitutional right?
- In April, what birthday did BBC 2 celebrate?
- On 22nd of May, Rishi Sunak announced that a general election will be held. What was happening, as he stood outside of number 10?
- On the 4th of June, a woman was arrested for throwing what at Nigel Farage?
- Who became British Prime Minister ?
- The Olympics were held in Paris, France. How many Medals did Britain get?
- In September what well known restaurant chain, which mostly concerned itself with Fridays and religion, went into administration?
- Name the two super hero movies released in October; both were sequels, and one was from DC and the other from Sony/Marvel.
- In November who became the leader of the Conservative Party?
- In December, what time of day does this person (from the previous answer) think sandwiches should be eaten?
Nerd + Tech round
- Name at least one of the top selling games in the UK this year
- What numerical version of the iPhone was released this year?
- Please write down what’s wrong with this statement: According to the rules of Quidditch, throwing the Quaffle though an opponent’s hoop earns 10 points, hitting an opponent with a bludger earns 0 points, and catching the golden snitch earns 50 points and ends the game.
- How Many sides does a d20 have?
- Fireball can be cast using what minimum level spell slot?
- What is the full name of the Grifindor ghost?
- Please write down what’s wrong with this statement: In Star Wars, in order to free young Anakin Skywalker from slavery, Qui-Gon Jinn first uses a Jedi Mind Trick to convince his master Watto, a Toydarian junk merchant, to allow him to pod race.
- What year was Windows 11 released?
- Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee. What does it resemble?
- Who invented the World Wide Web?
Chaos round
- Spell “Ore” - in a sentence: “you could use an oar or a shovel, to get at that ore”
- Spell “There” - in a sentence: “Their yours, and they’re all the way over there”
- How tall does
insert friend here
think the Eiffel tower is in meters?- Actual answer is 330 m, but whatever they wrote is the answer
- What does A.B.C stand for? (A.B.C was shown on A.B.C and on A.B.C) - Airway Breathing Circulation, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, American Broadcasting Company.
- I’d accept
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
, but most inventive answer wins.
- I’d accept
- What well known song has the chord progression C, G, A minor, F (Loads use this progression, and so pick your favourite - for example, “Let It Be” by The Beatles. You might also decide that the most interesting song wins).